About GPTZero
GPTZero is the most trusted AI detection tool designed for educators, writers, and researchers. It offers users advanced scanning capabilities to check for AI-generated content, enabling informed discussions and enhancing academic integrity. By providing detailed analysis, GPTZero aids in understanding writing authenticity.
GPTZero offers several pricing plans: Basic at $0/month with 10,000 words, Essential at $8.33/month with 150,000 words, Premium at $12.99/month for 300,000 words with all advanced features, and Professional at $24.99/month for teams with 500,000 words. Discounts are available for annual subscriptions.
GPTZero features a user-friendly interface that simplifies the detection of AI-generated text. With an intuitive layout, users can easily navigate through various tools, including advanced scanning and writing feedback features, ensuring a seamless experience in checking document authenticity and improving writing quality.
How GPTZero works
Users interact with GPTZero by first creating a free account, then inputting or uploading text to analyze for AI content. The platform processes this data quickly, returning detailed results that highlight AI-generated sentences and offering insights for improvement, promoting transparency and understanding.
Key Features for GPTZero
Advanced AI Detection
GPTZero’s Advanced AI Detection enables users to scan documents for AI-generated content accurately. This feature provides detailed results showcasing AI usage in individual sentences, offering unparalleled accuracy essential for educators, writers, and professionals aiming for writing authenticity and integrity.
Plagiarism Checker
The Plagiarism Checker from GPTZero serves as a critical tool for verifying originality. It scans documents for external sources, ensuring that users can maintain content integrity and adherence to academic standards, while preventing unintentional citation errors in written works.
AI Vocabulary Insights
GPTZero’s AI Vocabulary Insights feature identifies frequently used AI terms in text. This unique capability aids writers and educators in recognizing patterns associated with AI-generated content, fostering deeper understanding and enabling users to refine their writing for enhanced authenticity.